Timber Milling
Have you ever considered having the timber milled and processed into useable building timber or of course handcrafted into a memorable story piece for your family to enjoy for generations?
Timber Milling Requirements:
Lucas Mill set up requirements;
The Lucas Mill requires an area of up to 8m by 4m to mill a 6m log. Setting up takes approximately 30 minutes; this may take longer depending on any log moving.
Stacking the timber or slabs is recommended at the time of milling. We would recommend having a level area prepared preferably out of the weather. If the stack is outside we recommend covering with a tarp, however the stack still requires airflow. When stacking the bottom timbers/slab should be level and off the ground. We would recommend having enough room for regular inspections and termite treatments, generally about 200mm high. Batons should be used between the timbers/slabs to allow airflow for drying. Batons should be the same thickness and spaced around 500mm apart so the timber/slabs dry level. Batons are generally 25mm thick.
Sawdust is produced during milling; please make provision for the sawdust.
As a rule of thumb, hardwood slabs require 1 year of air-drying for every 25mm of thickness. Generally 8-10% moisture levels are considered to be seasoned. Moisture contents can be measured with a moisture meter.
Slab thicknesses;
When deciding on the milled dimension of your timber post & beam take into consideration the dressing the timber. We recommend milling 5-10mm oversize. We generally cut slabs at 60-70mm thick to allow for dressing.
Having your Timber milled just makes economic sense.
Dry Jarrah and Marri sells for around $2,500 per cubic meter and prices are always on the rise. The cost of milling your own timber is approximately $150 per hour. Once our Lucas Saw Mill is set up we can mill approximately 1 linear / cubic meter of timber per hour.
Our transportable Lucas Mill has the ability to cut almost any size you require. We can mill into boards, beams or slabs right there on your property.
Our mill can process:
• Timber slabs up to 6m in length,1.5m in width and to the thickness you require.
• Post and Beams up to 500mm x 250mm and of a length up to 6m.
• A 3-hour minimum booking is required.